CBD products can treat acne

CBD products can treat acne

Cannabidiol has been praised for its beneficial medicinal properties. However, does its effectiveness extend to dermatological diseases? How does CBD treat acne?

Due to its low potential for side effects, CBD may prove to be a relatively safe acne treatment that deserves scientific attention.

How CBD Treats Acne

A 2014 paper by Prof. Attila Olah, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, provides new evidence that CBD has the potential to treat acne. The study found that cannabidiol has lipostatic, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory elements.

The same study showed that CBD could stop the proliferation of sebocytes, the cells in the sebaceous glands that secrete oil. CBD does not cause the death of existing sebocytes, but significantly reduces their reproduction. CBD also reduces inflammation associated with acne due to its versatile anti-inflammatory action.

Best Ways to Use CBD for Acne

Due to the lack of scientific research on CBD and acne, it is difficult to recommend any method of use for the treatment of this condition. However, Olah’s experiment involved applying an ointment to the skin. It seems that scientists consider this method to be preferable. To use this method, you can buy high quality CBD products in Canada from our company!

Other cannabinoids that treat acne 

A 2016 report published in the journal Experimental Dermatology complemented this study by looking at the effects of other phytocannabinoids on acne.

Scientists have found that phytocannabinoids such as CBD, CBA, CBDI and THC may be “new effective and safe agents against skin inflammation.” Another report indicated that patients applied a 3% cannabis seed extract cream twice daily for 12 weeks and it significantly reduced sebum and redness. Synthetic CBD in a specialty topical formulation (BTX 1503) has shown promising results in human volunteer testing and is currently being tested in a randomized, double-blind clinical trial.

CBD and other skin problems 

In addition to its potential in acne treatment, scientists are laying the groundwork for the widespread use of CBD in dermatology.

Several studies have linked CBD exposure to a reduction in the symptoms of the following diseases

  • scleroderma; 
  • fibrosis; 
  • bullous epidermolysis.

A study published in the journal Biochemical Pharmacology analyzed the effect CBD had on patients with scleroderma, an autoimmune disease that causes skin roughness and other fibrotic changes. Scientists have found that oral intake of CBD reduces the inflammation caused by this disease.

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